
Metabolic & cardiovascular risks are the biggest risk factors influencing medical costs

↑ rates of obesity = ↑ medical spending

In addition to affecting direct medical costs, obesity influences disability costs, workman’s compensation claims, absenteeism, presenteeism, productivity, and safety 

Why aren’t current workplace wellness programs improving obesity rates?  

Because obesity isn’t a wellness problem


Obesity must be treated like other diseases – under the umbrella of medicine

WellMi provides evidence-based interventions designed to improve the health and weight of individuals, thereby reducing direct and indirect costs to the organization

A disease in its own right, obesity is highly correlated with other chronic lifestyle diseases.  Obesity currently affects 42% of American adults and approximately 80% of people with obesity also have one or more other lifestyle diseases, such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or high blood pressure.  Obesity is one of the most easily measured chronic lifestyle diseases and arguably, one of the most costly.

Average Yearly Cost for Healthcare Per Employee

The average cost of healthcare for employers with > 500 employees in the US is $14,393/person/year

Employers spend 34%-200% more per year covering employees w/ obesity

Type 2 Diabetes is the most expensive chronic condition in our nation.  The relationship between obesity and diabetes is of such interdependence that the term ‘diabesity’ has been coined.

Type 2 diabetes accounts for 26% of direct medical costs related to obesity

Prevalence of Type II Diabetes today (look at how many individuals in the workforce are affected (or are going to be)!

Treating Type 2 Diabetes saves money

Do you know how much obesity and chronic disease are costing your company?

Investing in obesity treatment is a necessary first step in decreasing direct and indirect costs incurred by employers and employees alike.